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•• PC Font Access1.0 Read Me Feb 10, 1993 ••
What is it? A free font utility program for PC fonts generated
from Fontographer® or Metamorphosis® Professional.
What does it do? PC Font Access allows you to open .TTF (PC
TrueType) files and .PFM (PC Type 1) files to change a LARGE
number of fields that are too subjective for Fontographer or
Meta Pro to know what good values are — things like the width of
the upper double underline bar, for example. After you have
tweaked away at these fields, you can then save the files with
the new values (and a new filename so as to not overwrite your
original font), thus customizing the font as only you know how.
How do I use it? The user interface is so simple that a child of
six can do it. If you don't have a child of six, use two
Only the File menu is active, and it has only three options.
They are:
Open TTF… (CMD-1)
Open PFM… (CMD-2)
Quit (CMD-Q)
When you choose either of the Open… items, the file or files (in
the case of the PFM) are read in and a window with one of the
world’s longest popup menus is presented. As you select a field
to edit, a short explanation of what that field means is
displayed near the bottom of the window. When you finish, click
the Save as… button, rename the file as requested and click OK
to save your changes.
Note: When the .PFM file is read in and there is a .PFB (Type 1
PostScript®) file with the same file prefix in the same folder,
it is read in also. After the changes have been made, the
following files are generated which reflect the changes you have
made: .PFM, .PFB, .AFM, .CFG, and .INF. If there is no .PFB file
with the same file prefix in the folder with the .PFM file, only
the updated .PFM file will be generated.
WARNING: You now have absolute control over your fonts, and you
really don’t have much of a safety net. If you incorrectly edit
some fields which you don’t completely understand, the font may
become unusable. We have confidence that the data we set are
according to the spec, but we have no way of bullet-proofing all
the possible combinations of changes. In fact, there are a fair
number of fields that we don’t really know the purpose of, but
since they exist, we gave you access to them. So for safety’s
sake, never overwrite your original font when saving the new
files and be prepared to experiment and spend a lot of time
reading hard to get specs.
To kick-start your adventure into the guts of PC fonts, we’ve
included a few common uses of PCFA. We hope you enjoy living on
the edge!
••Some Handy Examples of PCFA Versatility••
◊Challenge: I want the entire Helvetica family — all 16 fonts in
4 subfamilies — installed as PS fonts in Windows™, but only 4
fonts show up when I am adding the fonts in Adobe Type Manager®
2.0. How do I get ATM to see the other 12 fonts?
√Solution: There are a lot of Helvetica families! Meta Pro
converts all the fonts correctly, but with the improper starting
names of the Condensed, Narrow, Light, and Black families, Meta
Pro can’t get the final fonts all sorted out. The key in getting
this to work is to give each family distinct names. The
Helvetica-Condensed family of fonts should become
“HelveticaCondensed-”. With Fontographer it is no problem
getting the naming straight, but PCFA is a must for Meta Pro
users in this case. First determine how you want the families to
be arranged. You might want the HelveticaLight and
HelveticaBlack fonts put together under one name, such as
HelveticaOther. Or you might want to leave them apart and have
only two fonts — the plain and the bold styles — in each of the
respective families. Once you have determined the family names
you will use, organize each family in its own folder and begin
editing them in PCFA. Edit the name fields which are at the top
of the long menu list. Start with the full font name. This
should be the family name-subfamily (style) name. The Family
name field should be the full family name, no subfamily name.
Then type the menu name you would like it to have in the Menu
Name, Windows Name, and MS Menu Name fields. This name may
include spaces to make the font more readable in the font menu.
Thus, for your Helvetica-Condensed family of fonts, the menu
names should be Helvetica Condensed. For the Italic fonts, make
sure the Italic field is set to 1 and the etmSlant field should
be set to -150. Don’t worry about the Weight field for PS fonts
yet; ATM 2.02 doesn’t use it. You are still limited to the base
four styles in a single PS font family.
◊Challenge: I want to convert my Winima font family to a PC
TrueType font, but the six weights don’t appear in my Windows
3.1 Control panel “List of Fonts” dialog. I can only see two
fonts, the plain and the bold styles. Doesn’t Windows 3.1 allow
more than just two weights in a single font family?
√Solution: Windows 3.1 can accommodate 9 weights in a TrueType
family, but Fontographer has no way to output the correct values
to plug into those weights. After you have generated the PC
TrueType fonts for all the weights in the family, follow these
You have the Winima family with the following names:
Winima-Light, Winima-Book (Normal), Winima-Medium,
Winima-Demibold (Semibold), Winima-Bold, & Winima-Ultra
(Extrabold). Open the Winima-Light .TTF in PCFA. Change the
following three fields: usWeightClass: Light; Font Subfamily
name: Light; and Full fontname: Winima-Light. Don’t change the
PS name; you may want to use that font at a printer shared by
multiple platforms, so let’s keep the Postscript name the same.
Make similar changes to the other fonts. The only trick comes in
the usWeightClass weight options. There is no “Book” option, so
use “Normal” (400). Likewise for Demibold and Ultra; make them
Semibold (600) and Extrabold (900), respectively. I have
explained these changes briefly. As we state in the help box in
PCFA, you really need to check out the Microsoft® TrueType spec
for more complete explanations of all the fields available for
adjusting TrueType fonts.
Note! While this capability is present in Windows 3.1, no third
party applications have implemented their font windows to show
all the weights under one font name. While MS Write can do this,
it has a bug in the way it handles all the weights in a
document. So we are left waiting for the applications to catch
up with this hot new feature.
◊Challenge: I have generated my font “PortMoresby-Italic” in
Fontographer and converted all my PC PostScript files for that
one font to the PC, but I see two font names available in my ATM
“Available Fonts:” dialog. They are PortMoresby, ITALIC and
PortMoresby-Italic. How does ATM “see” two fonts when only one
font is there?
√Solution: ATM 2.0 can read the .PFM and the .INF file. The .PFM
is the one with the style name in all caps; “ITALIC”. Use this
one to install your font. If you select the .INF to do the
installation, ATM will look for the .AFM to make a .PFM. It does
this by calling on “makepfm.exe,” a utility which ships with
every PC font Adobe® sells. In the future, you may want to take
over just the .PFM and the .PFB. so there is no confusion about
the font(s) being installed.
◊Challenge: I have a special application which needs a specially
tagged fixed width font. Just setting all the widths the same is
not enough. How can I change that attribute in my PostScript and
TrueType fonts?
√Solution: The critical field is in the “Item:” popup menu list.
For a TrueType font, the menu name is “isFixedPitch”. Any
Fontographer font you open in PCFA will have the variable width
flag on. The instructions under “isFixedPitch” explain than any
non-zero number will flag the font as monospaced. So enter a
non-zero value such as 1, save the font, and you are done. For
PostScript fonts, the field name is “Pitch”. Here the default
value for a variable width font is 1. Change the value to 0
(zero) for a monospaced font. Save the font and your new metrics
files will indicate a monospaced fonts.
◊Challenge: I want to change all my fonts to be “read-write
encapsulated”. I understand that this will allow my font to be
sent along with my file in a stand-alone doc which allows it to
be edited by another user who does not have my font. Can I edit
this field with PCFA?
√Solution: The field in question is “fstype”. This field will
indicate the encapsulation settings of the font. There are three
levels of encapsulation. The most common is none, or full
protection. Such a font cannot be sent with the file. Next is
read-only. In this case, the doc may be viewed and printed, but
changes can not be made. The ultimate is read-write embedding
which allows for full re-editing of the document in the original
font. Essentially, the whole font is sent along for easy
retrieval. For the protection of the copyright owner, this field
may not be edited in PCFA. If you own Fontographer 3.5.1 or
later, see the “More about PC fonts” ReadMe for information on
how to flag the fonts you create as being read-write embedded
•• What we don’t know about PC Font Access Sounds scary,
doesn’t it? If I was able to write about all the stuff in PCFA
which I do not understand and has not been tested, I would go on
for another 10,000 characters. There are A LOT of fields to
alter, mangle, distort, misrepresent, and in many other ways
destroy such that your font becomes unusable. ALWAYS work on a
copy of your font. NEVER delete your original font by saving the
changes to the original file name. ALWAYS know what you are
doing when you change a field. NEVER expect your changes to
work! Well… maybe that’s a little much. Just be aware that this
is ALL new stuff and few if any third party applications have
addressed even some of these capabilities. For example, the
“PANOSE” fields are going to be very useful… in a future OS. For
future compatibility, there is at least one foundry shipping
fonts with proper panose settings. There are lots of other
almost insignificant changes you could make, like the upper
double underline width, which many applications don’t bother to
look at. All we can say is that we have tested what little we
could. The examples tried above are useful and — with the
exception of the usWeightClass changes — work correctly in the
intended applications. So, press on, find new and possibly
valuable settings, face the brave, new world of PC fonts, and
learn to enjoy living on the edge!